BAS (Annie Barrett Architecture Studio, PLLC) is an architecture and urban design studio. We practice architecture as a process of re‑imagining social, political and civic relationships through rigorous experimentation with forms and ideas. BAS is a woman-owned business led by Annie Barrett and registered in NY State.

Clients and Collaborators ↓

Current and past clients:

Brooklyn Public Library
Olin College of Engineering
National Parks Service
Van Alen Institute
Henry George School of Social Science
Children of Promise, NYC
City of Cambridge, MA
Build it Back
Center for an Urban Future
The Architectural League
Private clients in NY, CA, PA, and ME

Current and past collaborators:

Annie Barrett, AMArchitecture, Aayushi Joshi, Adam Thompson, Julia Chou

Lucas Bucknavage, Alexander Collier, Tessira Crawford, Deo Deiparine, Justin Difabritis, Miku Dixit, Darby Foreman, Julia Gielen, Charlene Liu, Jedy  Lau, Brittany Milas, Andrew Miller, Helena Musetti, Marco Pagliara, Jacqueline Park, Raquel Richter, Nicklos Tafel, Benjamin Vanmuysen, Grey Wartinger, Sarah Weiss, You Wu, Clara Syme,